Beauty product chemicals and toxins hazardous to our health are staple ingredients in personal care products, in everything from makeup to facial moisturizer and nail polish remover. The average woman wears nearly 515 chemicals a day and may eat nearly 4 pounds of lipstick in her lifetime. Our skin absorbs 60% of all topical products, so what we put on it matters. We have looked into some tools to help you choose cleaner, toxin-free products to help you safeguard your health.
CLEARlife discovered Think Dirty, an app that tests beauty products by scanning their bar code from your phone to determine a clean or dirty level rating. You can also read further in our story links below where we outline in detail what to look out for when purchasing products.
The downside to the app is it is so new that many products are not yet included in their database, but it is a good start to testing. Another helpful and informative tool is David Suzuki’s Sustainable Shopper’s Guide.It’s a list of 12 toxic ingredients to avoid and explains what the effects of those chemicals can be. So we hope this arms you with some solutions to what to look out for in beauty product toxins.
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