Hyaluronic acid can be found in moisturizers and in a range of beauty products. From facial cleansers to anti-aging serums, it’s time to figure out what are the reasons for this demand. Also known as Hyaluronan, a clear and gooey substance that is naturally produced by our bodies. The largest amounts of it are found in your skin, connective tissue and eyes.
Its main function is to retain water to keep your tissues well lubricated and moist.
This acid has a variety of uses. Many people take it as a supplement, but it’s also used in topical serums, eye drops and moisturizers.
The role of hyaluronic acid in skin care
Hyaluronic acid comes from the word “hyalos” and “uronic acid”. German biochemist, Karl Mayer first received this substance in the early twentieth century, but world-wide beauty fame came to him much later.
The human body produces hyaluronic acid on its own. It is within the surface layer of the skin and the intercellular substance of the deeper layer of the skin. The main function of this substance is to retain moisture in the skin cells.
With age, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid slows down, which leads to the appearance of signs of aging:
- dryness and dehydration of the skin
- wrinkle formation
- loss of elasticity
Unlike glycolic and salicylic acids, hyaluronic acid does not have an exfoliating effect. It works as a hygroscopic agent, attracting moisture to itself, and is responsible for skin turgor.
Possessing a large molecular weight, this key ingredient is able to retain an amount of water a thousand times its own weight.
In addition to hydration, it performs several other important functions.
In the epidermis, where there is no active microcirculation, it serves as a conductor of the active components – vitamins and trace elements necessary to maintain the process of cell renewal.
It is an antioxidant: it takes the blow after being in the open sun and neutralizes free radicals if there is no sunscreen on the skin. Upon receipt of a minimum dose of UV radiation, the concentration of hyaluronic acid drops by 20%, and during this period it works as an antioxidant, not a hydro-fixer. That is why moisturizers with hyaluronic acid are most useful in the summertime.

Types of skin products with hyaluronic acid
Main categories:
- means for washing
- tonics and lotions
- moisturizing and anti-aging serums
- moisturizing and anti-aging creams for face and body
- masks and hair balms
- creams and patches for the eyes
- moisturizing face masks
How to choose products
There is only one – though very important – aspect that needs attention. Such products should contain water. Hyaluronic Acid and Glycerin is recommended on damp skin. For example, after washing or applying a tonic.
Choose a mask, serum or cream – you decide. If you choose a serum, you must cover it in cream or oil. You will not achieve the preferred result if you do not do this step. In addition to those where the manufacturer indicated the possibility of pure use.
IMPORTANT: For aging or extremely dry skin, it makes sense to apply oil even after a moisturizer. The main thing is not to smear it on the face, but to “imprint” or dab it in the skin.
When is the best time to start application?
As a component related to the human body, hyaluronic acid is safe even for allergy sufferers. You can use the means with it, starting from a young age, since the production of your own hyaluronic acid begins to slow down after 20 years.
IMPORTANT: We especially recommend trying creams and serums with this ingredient to those who have dehydrated skin or poor moisture retention (dry skin type).
CLEARlife products with Hyaluronic Acid: 02, 03, 04