Welcome To Clearliving Self Care Workshop library. We have created a page to share other mindful resources the group may find useful in our journey together towards a more mindful life.


Enjoy our selection of Wellness & Leisure stories on the topics of mindfulness, psychology, and wellbeing. New stories are launching weekly, so make sure to sign up for our email newsletter not to miss any of them! Some CLEARlife Articles that give great tips to add mindfulness into your life: Why Mindfulness? – CLEARlife The Secret Is In Your Breath Work – CLEARlife

Mindful Mediation Online by Davidji

If you are interested in diving deeper into a meditation practice check out davidji on his website, Youtube, or Soundcloud. He has released over 1000 free meditations on Youtube. He creates short 5 minute talks about the benefits and techniques.

Steven Washington Experience

Interested in trying Qi Gong (Chi gong) breathe work this is a good one to try.

Try Something new! Youtube is a great resource for free classes.

Some ideas:

  • Get moving challenge! Try something new as there are so many free classes available right now. Tai Chi, Qi Gong, yoga, etc
  • Join a meditation challenge. 
  • Listen to an uplifting Podcast, TedTalk,etc. each day
  •  Bring laughter into every day…watch a comedy, funny videos
  • Try a new healthy food or recipe each week

Connecting The World To Wellness.

Mindbody App and Website. connects you to yoga studios around the world. You can find classes by area, style, pricing. All studios are streaming video class and many of them are free.

You Can Heal Your Life Summit 2020.

Free online Hayhouse conference starts April 30. Featuring experts in such fields as science, meditation, spirituality, health and nutrition, and self-care. A wonderful self care workshop style series. 

Hay House I Free Resources.

Hayhouse is also offering many free items available right now. Colouring books, self love course, an on-line journal, affirmations, dog training program, articles on how to destress etc.

“Hope in Uncertain Times”

Oprah and Deepak Chopra are offering a free 21 day meditation called “Hope in Uncertain Times”

Healthy habits apps such as The Fabulous app.

Created at Duke University, it helps users build healthy habits by accepting challenges and allow you to build through success.


A wonderful online yoga and pilates index that you can try their online classes for 30 days for free, and after that pay $9.99 a month. Great for keeping up your practice while self-isolating.

Body Scan Meditation  

Guided 30-minute Body Scan meditation practice by Jon Kabat-Zinn

If you enjoyed the Mindfulness body scan we have done each week here is a link to a 30 minute scan of Jon Kabat-Zinn’s. He is a professor and researcher who created the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Healthcare and Society, at the University of Massachusett’s Medical School. He’s written a number of books on the science of mindfulness and the benefits on mental health and general wellbeing. It’s a great way to release tension particularly before bed.