Did you know that body brushing was used in ancient Egypt? They used dry body brushes, as well as sour milk and wine to obtain soft skin. The ancient Greeks, as well as the Romans also used this method with olive oil to remove excess dirt/oil before properly bathing. It was also a common beauty ritual within the Chinese and Indian cultures. Also known as gharshana in India, it was used to stimulate blood flow. Traditionally used with raw silk or linen gloves or a bristle body brush. On the other hand, the Chinese used a gourd fruit called silk squash and can be used with or without sesame oil as well. It was used to stimulate circulation and it was believed to be associated with lung, stomach and liver meridians.
What Is It?
Body brushing is basically brushing your body and gently massaging it. This provides the ability to make your skin glow and removes dead skin. Body brushing is also an old and ancient method of taking care of your skin.
Body brushing can be used to tone and sculpt the skin, by toning muscles and tissue below the surface of the skin. Furthermore, body brushing has the ability to rejuvenate and soften the skin, whilst helping stimulate the lymphatic system. This assists in limiting cysts breakouts.
Dry Brushing Benefits
Body brushing is a way to exfoliate, stimulate the lymphatic system, increase circulation, and break down cellulitis. Additionally, body brushing can be used to get rid of other toxins and cleanse your skin in depth. It also helps with plumping the skin and lymphatic drainage.
- Exfoliating: gets rid of dry skin, dead skin, and oil as well as dirt
- Boosts circulation: After using it there may be inflammation and more blood being moved in certain areasÂ
- Lymphatic drainage: blood carries lymph fluids, which then get filtered through the lymph nodes. As a result, this removes toxins
- Wrinkle reduction
- Increases muscle tone
- Improves skin texture (luminosity and suppleness)
- Reduces the effects of stress on the body
- Promotes weight management by supporting healthy metabolism
- Supports natural detoxification
- Stimulates areas that accumulate cellulite
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Avoid body brushing if you have:
- Very sensitive skin
- A skin condition such as psoriasis or eczema
- An open wound (skip the area)
- Inflamed skin due to sunburn or an allergy
- An illness
- Use moisturizer/lotion before and after brushing
- Shower after
- Can be done two times a week but also depends on your skin type
- Dry brushing can be used on the body but exfoliating skincare products are better suited for the face.
- You should clean your brush and sanitize it, after each use.
- Skin brushing is best done in the morning before bathing, with dry skin that is free from lotion or oil
- Make sure the room where the massage will be done is a comfortable temperature
- Keep the direction of the stroke always toward the heart
- Use circular strokes on the stomach and joints (shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists, hips, and ankles), and long sweeping strokes on the arms and legs (toward the heart)
- Start from your feet and move up in circular motion
- Use light pressure on thinner areas of your skin
- Brush upwards
- Be careful around the stomach and move upwards to chin/neck
- Shower and moisturize or apply serums as needed

Organic Ways To Nourish & Moisturize Your Skin
- Body: coconut oil and olive oil for body
- Face: CLEARlife skincare